Tax Collector
Tax Collector Information
School Tax Bill Information
2024-2025 Le Roy Central School District tax bills will be issued September 1, 2024.
Payment is due by September 30, 2024.
October 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024: 2% penalty charged
Make checks payable to: Le Roy Central School District.
To view and print your TAX BILL and/or RECEIPT of your paid tax bill, visit
Mail payment to Le Roy Central School District, PO Box 417, Warsaw, NY 14569 AND include bottom portion of the bill. Please do not use Online Bill Pay services to pay your school taxes as the bottom portion of the bill cannot be included and thus the Bank Lockbox employees do not know what you are paying for. This could cause a delay that would put you in the penalty period or cause non-payment of taxes. As long as the postmark is September 30th or earlier, taxes will be accepted with no penalty. If the postmark is October 1st through October 31st, the 2% penalty must be included or we will return your taxes to you.
In Person Payment:
Tax payments will be accepted at Five Star Bank, Le Roy office during regular banking hours in the main lobby. No school taxes will be accepted at Le Roy Central School.
After October 31, 2024: No payments will be accepted.
Unpaid taxes will be sent to the Genesee County Treasurer to be relevied in the January 2025 Town/County tax bills with additional county penalties.
Livingston County taxpayers only will be able to pay Le Roy School taxes to the Livingston County Treasurer between November 15 – 30, 2024 with an additional 3% penalty added to the base amount. After November 30th, unpaid taxes will be relevied in the January 2025 Town/County tax bill with additional county assessed penalties.
Per NYS Real Property Tax Law (ss 922,942): A property owner is not relieved of the responsibility for payment of taxes despite the fact that his/her name is not properly entered on the tax roll and no statement of taxes was received by him/her. There is no provision of law which would permit a waiver of penalties and interest arising out of a failure to make timely payment of tax bills.
STAR Information:
For additional information, please contact:
Martha Butzbach, Tax Collector
(585) 768-5535
Email: School Tax Collector